The French give a lot of importance to the protocols of sitting at the table. There are arts of manners and rules to follow while at the table. The French people are very much seen in this protocol, especially the way to eat at the table and to take the spoons with correct manners.

Good manners

Good table manners are very important to know for everyone no matter the age is and no matter where the person comes from. For this each country has its own protocol, too. The French people are no exception and they do have their own manners: Before sitting at the table, you have to wash your hands first. When you are seated you have to stand up straight and then you have to put the napkins on your lap. You have to know where to put your hand on your knees or on the table, but you should not put your elbows on the table. In France, men serve and fill women's glasses after the meal is served. You should drink while you eat and leave a little food when you are finished rather than leaving the plate empty.

Setting a French table at a meal

For the French, the way to place cutlery on the table follows strict protocols, such as forks, glasses or spoons. Each item must be used properly whether for spoons or forks. Some forks are used for appetizers, others for fish, and other forks for meat. It is then necessary to know well all the placements of these forks. The same goes for knives and spoons. Not to mention the placement of plates, forks, spoons and knives for dessert.

The rules to respect

There are some rules that everyone must respect during the meal while at the table. You should not talk with your mouth full, as this shows a person's rudeness and can destroy someone's appetite. And you should also avoid chewing with your mouth open and being rude at the table. When you have finished your lunch or meal you must remember to put the folded napkins back and to put them on the left with the spoons and not on the right with the forks. This rule is very important for the French society.